Predator, Prey, Protector, or Provider at Play? These photos may serve as a sort of Rorschach test for political thinking. Do you hate your neighbors’ individual rights or does this give you a warm or a proud feeling? Some will hate, some will fear, or envy, some will love, and others will simply think, “Oh; that’s a Yugo M70 underfolder with the UltiMAK M9 mount and a Micro sight. My friend has that same setup and and it’s freakin’ great. But wait– isn’t that bird cage on upside-down?” (actually no. It’s symmetrical so as to accommodate either of the two notches, spaced at 180o, for the stop plunger in the sight block)
A North Idaho Law student, husband and father crouches in wait. The rolling hills, farm fields and forests of North Idaho and Eastern Washington hold many uncertainties. Effective stalking and shooting skills are no mystery, however. UltiMAK can help. Photo by Oleg Volk.