The AK is an Egyptian “Maadi” (caliber 7.62 x 39 mm) with the UltiMAK ACR2-SL forend rail system and the UltiMAK M1-B optic mount with an older Aimpoint CompML electronic reflex sight. The Buttstock is a four position collapsable CAR-15 stock mounted using an AKSA stock adapter. The carry sling is attached using a GG&G rail mounted sling loop on the left side of the ACR2. The Forward grip is all aluminum, and secures to the ACR2 by tightening the knob at the bottom. Shown are a few of the UltiMAK 5-slot, Full Rail Covers. On the left forend rail is a Streamlight M3 “Tactical Illuminator”. As an armed society is a polite society, this is a modern instrument of peace, security and civility. It’s a lot of fun at the local range, too.